no end in sight

Do you ever feel like there's no end in sight to your day? That's how I've felt for an entire week. I have so much to do and the list just keeps growing. Like right now, I just remembered for the 100th time today that I really need to wash a load of the boys' laundry so they can wear their swimming trunks to swim lessons tomorrow. Every time I think about doing it, I have something else more pressing to do. The worst that'll happen: they'll wear them a third time without getting washed.

I stay home with my 3 kids, watch two other boys full time AND have been watching a baby 3 days a week temporarily while her regular sitter was out for surgery. I'm also trying to fit in all the housework, some yard work (spray weeds, mow), pick up dog poop, work on my coaching business, exercise, plan my meals, it really is never ending.

I think part of the reason that the last week has been so hard is because I haven't been watching what I eat. Fourth of July rolled around and that's when everything got out of hand. I worked out Monday morning, ate my yogurt but then the kids and I stayed the night at my in-laws' house and it all went downhill from there. I ate like crap most of Monday while at their house, stayed up until 11:00 pm to watch fireworks. On Tuesday, we woke up around 7:00 am. I didn't work out, I ate my regular yogurt for breakfast and that's where my nutritious meals ended. I ate so many carbs and too much sugar (brownies especially) in the next 5 days that I had a migraine for 2 days.

Carbs and sugar have always been my favorite foods. I ate all the bread, pasta and dessert that I wanted up until two months ago. But after starting my 21 Day Fix meal plan, I had to watch just how much junk I was really putting into my body. I've stayed on track for the most part, I usually don't get in my full 3 containers of veggies but I'm so much more conscious about how many containers of carbs I'm eating.

Now I'm not saying carbs are bad, because they're not; they're delicious, still my favorite AND good for you! I have a limit on the amount that I eat, and that's two yellow containers per day. I can still eat all of my favorite foods (bread, pasta, oatmeal, pancakes) but I eat different versions: whole wheat, Kodiak Cakes, etc. BTW, Kodiak Cakes are SO good. I found boxes at Target and Costco, totally worth buying if you see them at your store! Its basically Bisquick but all you add is milk/water and an optional egg. I don't add sugar or anything else and they are so flavorful and full of protein AND the kids love them.

My goals for next week:
1) Go to bed before 10:30 pm every night
2) Work out every.single.morning. 
3) Plan my meals, snacks
4) Drink more water

If I can stick to my goals above, then I know that my mindset will be right and I will get SO MUCH MORE accomplished and not feel so stressed.

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