doing it for me

About two months ago my husband and I got in an argument and I decided that I need to make changes in my life. We quickly made up but I was unsatisfied with how I was living my life. Since I quit working in August 2016, every single thing I did was for someone else. I'm not complaining, that was the purpose of me staying home- to take care of the family. Along the way, I lost sight of who I was and wasn't doing anything for me.

One day after that argument, I signed up for a challenge group that a friend of a friend was putting together. I almost wasn't expecting to actually follow through for the whole 21 days, but I mostly did. There were a few missed workouts or unplanned cheat meals (sometimes a cheat day) but even so, it felt great to do something that was 100% for me.

Another reason I signed up was because my hormones suddenly changed in February. I was getting really painful cramps for the first time, my temper was really short, I didn't feel like myself at all and I started gaining weight. I'm only 4' 11" so the 3-5 pounds I gained was really noticeable, especially in my midsection. My pants and shorts weren't fitting and I was too embarrassed to wear tight shirts.

After my 21 day challenge ended, I gained muscle and got rid of my food baby haha. I could fit into my clothes comfortably again and I actually felt confident with how I looked for the first time ever. I knew this was something I wanted to continue so I decided to become a coach to help others discover themselves again.

Another awesome side effect that benefits everyone in the house? I haven't had bad PMS for two months! Back in February, I downloaded an app to predict my cycle so I could prepare myself (and my husband) for a rough week of emotions before my cycle started. But today, I just checked the calendar to see when my cycle starts to prepare myself for the roller coaster and my cycle is supposed to start in two days. Three months ago, I would've been crying almost daily, getting upset with my husband and kids over everything and feeling so out of control of my own mind just two days before my cycle. I haven't had any of those issues this month: no cramps, no crying, no angry outbursts, nothing!

I know that the positive change in my body is due to the fact that I'm taking care of it properly for the first time ever. I'm working out regularly, eating healthy most of the time, drinking Shakeology daily and my coaching business gives me a chance to have a purpose outside the home and that makes me happy.

If you can relate to my story or have a story of your own that could use a little attention, fill out this FORM below and let's get started on this journey!

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