better chocolate zucchini bread

Summer is in full swing and that always means zucchini! Back in August I received two HUGE zucchinis from my neighbor and I've been wanting to try using coconut sugar in my baking recipes so I decided to use it for zucchini bread. I wouldn't mind eating zucchini bread just plain but I wanted the kids (and my husband) to eat some too so I went for chocolate ;) The coco powder is sugar free so it really isn't causing too much harm, haha.

eating better sugar

About three years ago our family went 100% dye free (read about our journey here). It wasn't easy but it was really eye opening. Before going dye free, I admit that I never read a single label on any food products and we ate sugar like it was going out of style.

homemade taco seasoning

I LOVE Mexican food! Burritos, enchiladas, tacos, nachos, if it has a tortilla, beans, meat, cheese and sauce then I'll eat it. Everyday- all you have to do is change the tortilla and its a new meal haha.

chicken stuffed peppers

Last night I ate quinoa for the first time. I tried a little bite straight from the pan and was disgusted. It tasted like brown rice mixed with the toppings they put on the top of fancy wheat bread. But I'm on a quest to try new foods and stick to my meal plan so I added it to the rest of my dinner and hoped for the best and got THE BEST dinner out of it! Check out the recipe for Chicken Stuffed Peppers below.

food dye

Image result for food dye

Food dye... where to start?? Its in everything- cereal, pop, crackers, chips, candy, cookies, sprinkles, ice cream, cheese, juice. But what's wrong with food dye, its just a color, right? Wrong! So wrong.

homemade pizza dough and sauce

I can't come up with a recipe on my own to save my life; I overthink the idea of creating something new, my brain gets flustered and suddenly I don't know salt from pepper :P

doing it for me

About two months ago my husband and I got in an argument and I decided that I need to make changes in my life. We quickly made up but I was unsatisfied with how I was living my life. Since I quit working in August 2016, every single thing I did was for someone else. I'm not complaining, that was the purpose of me staying home- to take care of the family. Along the way, I lost sight of who I was and wasn't doing anything for me.